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I am Me. You are You.

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Judith Beatrix Kottler

AKA: Judi, Secret

Born: July 18, 1978 1:01AM

Sun Sign: Cancer

Symbol: The Crab

Planet: The Moon

Element: Water

Traits: Private, Reclusive, Maternal, Fierce Protector and Defender, High Spirit and Melancholy.

Known for always skittering about, basking in the Sun, and returning back to Ocean Sanctuary.

Rising Sign: Taurus/Gemini Cusp

Symbol: The Bull/The Twins

Planet: Venus/Mercury

Element: Earth/Air

Traits T: Strong Willed, Stubborn, Committed, Dependable, Maternal, Strength and Dominance, Carer and Provider.

Known as Bull in a China Shop, Fierce Contender and Defender.

Traits G: Open Minded, Highly Intellectual, Clear Perspectives, Ideas and Action, Brazen and Bashful.

Known for Double Identity, Double Life, Knower and Keeper of Secrets.

Moon Sign: Sagittarius

Symbol: The Centaur

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Traits: Playful, Rebellious, Impatient and Restless, Optimistic and Pessimistic, Easily Riled, Passionate and Ambitious, Dedicated and Determined.

Known as Outspoken Visionary and Revolutionary, Great Contender and Defender of Mountain and Forest.

My Daddy Moon is in Sagittarius, The Centaur, like Jim Morrison, and as I am The Horse in Chinese Astrology, a free spirit, like the wind, wild and unbroken, willful, stubborn, and determined. Breathtaking in beauty and heartbreaking in chains. Pamela Courson, on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn, by way of Earth, and as my Rising is on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini, and my Sun Sign, The Moonchild. The Mother and The Father as Earth and Moon, as Nature and Angels.

Not ALL Astrology is True Astrology, but there is a True Science to Astrology, and it's one that Earth and Moon can easily comprehend, anticipate, and navigate with far greater insight and foresight. My life is testimony.

All of Nature is affected by Seasons. Every Psyche is influenced by Seasonal Environments as well as Outside World influences. From the moment of conception every fetus becomes slowly impressionable, conscious of the bold world outside the womb and the subtle natural ebb and flow of Nature all around. From the calming effects of Fall and the stilling silence of Winter, to the bustling and ambitious Spring and the playful and laughing Summer. Environmental influences, as well as Human influences, cultivate and shape the psyche. The nature of the world from inside the womb and then the nature of the world you are born into creates lasting impressions, feelings, and ideals. But True Astrology studies only Character Traits associated with the influences of Nature, not the Outside World, and not as a means of character and personality acceptance, but as a means of awareness to better recognize and understand behaviors and tendencies, to better cultivate Strengths and manage Weaknesses, to be all around YOUR BEST SELF.

Photo Courtesy of

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